
13 February 2012

Finding the Money to buy the Dolls


I, personally, normally have a hard time earning money to pay for the dolls I want. And Winter's tough. No mowing the lawn or summer fun. But....INSIDE CLEANING!!! Yep, super sad, cleaning. But the pay is good. $50 to clean ALL of my 3or-2-story (Do you count the basement and the attic?) house. And I'm not even going to get into the bathrooms. But, if I get the job, (because this is a maybe job. I have it for one week, and then if my dad says it's okay I might do it every week!) just once every week for two weeks is almost enough to buy a AG doll!
Look at the picture of McKenna --->
How much does that doll cost? $100? WRONG!!! AG raised the price five dollars!
What do you think of the price going up? What about earning money, too? How do you do that?

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p.s. you're looking fab today.