
29 April 2014

Rain, and a Party

It started raining suddenly, without warning.
Pounding hard against her and the ground with a force.
Her head was heavy as she dropped to the ground.
Rain, rain, rain; and all she could remember were those dark blue eyes.
And that satisfies my need to write something semi-pretty.
This is my entry to Mackenzie's blog party! She posted about it a while ago, so I'm a bit late to the party. *he he* *snort*
1. What do you like most about my blog?
I really enjoy the snippets of writing you post, and your fangirling posts. Cuz girl, I totally just fangirl with you at those moments.
2. What are some tips/advice I could use to help improve my blog?
I love your blog and it is fantabulous and you need none of this so called ''improving''.
3. What is your favorite flower? (because, you know, it's spring.)I don't have a favorite flower! I have favorite chocolates, books, and colors but flowers? Nah. :)
That's it! If you would like to join the blog party click the link above for directions and be all late with me.

24 April 2014

Don't Blink.

Don't blink.
Keep your eyes wide open, see everything around you.
Because blink once and a year goes by.
Memories soaring by with the blink of the eye, almost as if they'd never been made.
Leaving the smallest dent on now.
Soon now will be over, and tomorrow will come. 
Days will flash by like they didn't matter; only will we know how much they did.
Don't blink, in fear you will miss everything.
Don't blink, because these days are only dents, but it's those dents that make a hole.

^^You whovians. I know what you're thinking.

p.s. If you have any lazy time on your hands, go check out 23 by Shakira. It's a really sweet song and it's been one of my favorite things lately.


p.s.s ten thousand internet points if anybody can tell me who that famous person is in the picture. It had nothing to do with the post, but it's ah-mazing and I sorta love it.

18 April 2014

Coloring Easter Eggs

One of my favorite parts of Easter is dying Easter eggs! We haven't always done this, but when we do it's way too much fun. I won't be posting on Easter so here is your very own little Easter post. Enjoy your Easter and try to remember it's not about the candy, okay? Okay.

{click any of the pictures to enlarge them.}
We boiled 1 dozen eggs for about forever, and then we could decorate! The second picture is my first egg. I meant for it to be a minty color, but that didn't work out so well. ;) Then we let our eggs dry for also forever. The last picture is the huge mess we had on our hands after that.

This was my first egg. I used a silver sharpie to draw the lines. :) It's one of my favorites.

This one turned into a water-colored egg by accident. I was turning over the egg in red vinegar water and dropped red food dye on it, making it look water-colorish. On the other side I wrote ''Be Happy'' in silver sharpie since it was not stained on that side. :)
This one was a green / red side ombre.

This one was a four color egg {purple, blue, green, and orange}. It was my least favorite so I ate it first. ;)

My brothers' made some too, and these were my favorite of there's. On the left, a rainbow-y egg and on the right, a true purple.

And then I took some fancy-smanchy photos of mine. ;)
Which one was your favorite?
Are you going to dye eggs this year?
love and sorry for the semi-boring post,

15 April 2014

This and That

cups. I like sweet delicate cups I like none of them matching. A cup of tea, a quilt, a candle, a book makes my soul purr! 
Can we talk about how much I've been loving drawing teacups lately? The best thing about them is that they don't have to look pretty. In fact, they look better messy.
Drinking orange juice in wineglasses is some sort of beautiful thing; and I enjoy it greatly.
I have found the perfect white summer dress. Being a tall person, it comes a little shorter on me, and that's okay. I was in Old Navy the other day {when I bought it}, and can we just talk about the dresses? They're so much nicer than they were last year. -claps-
Spring break has practically saved me. I needed a break from school, and dance was seriously kicking me in the butt {excuse my French}.
Did I talk about teacups? Teacups. WITH ORANGE JUICE IN THEM. -dies-
{love y'all. Happy Easter in advance!}

11 April 2014

Five Books I Love

These are just some books I love. Not all {probably none, actually :/} of them are inspirational or have a deep meaning behind them, but I love them simply because it's a good story and it's written well.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Cinder is such a good book that I feel like so many people don't know about. It's based off Cinderella, with a cyborg twist. If you want to read a full review here's one by The Christian Manifesto {which I did find by google searching pictures of Cinder}.

City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Here's a book that more people know about. ;) You can tell in C.C's newer books that her writing really has matured since writing this book, but it's still a good book. The Infernal Devices, a prequel trilogy to The Mortal Instruments series, really shows off some of her better writing.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by J.K. Rowling

Some people like Harry Potter. Some don't. I happen to be somebody who does. Harry Potter is filled with inspiring, ''role model'' sorts of characters and all sorts of plot twists. Not to mention that the writing is beautiful; really to die for. 

Panic by Lauren Oliver

This book came out last march and I read it a week ago, but I can already rave about it. It's just so good. I know L.O has a successful trilogy already out, but I really love this one {plus I haven't read that other trilogy, so.}
Some things that make Panic unique:
it's a stand alone novel
{spoiler} the story is from two different character's perceptive, and oddly enough they don't fall in love with each other. 
And the plot is just so different. I really enjoyed it.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

The Book Thief swears more than you would think {in German, if that helps}, but it's such a lovable funny story. All the characters are very likable, the story being told by Death is unique, and I enjoyed it. It's not as bloody as you might think, being based in the WWII area. 

Have you read any of these books? Did I name any you want to read?

hugs, kisses,

08 April 2014

She Aint You

{by New Hollow, not Chris Brown. Gosh! ;)}

This song is perfection and all of them are now on my to-be-married list. Not kidding.
''She's got your hair
She's got your eyes
She's got your exact same horoscope sign
She may be pretty
She's something new
But that means nothing
She ain't you''
beautiful beautiful beautifulllll
And I'm fairly certain this is like one of their first ever songs, so become fans of them and be all hipster with me. That sounds good, k?

07 April 2014

A New Blog Design!

The amazing Rose re-designed my blog! Isn't lovely?
Go follow her and comment. ;) It was such a quick design but it still looks amazing. If you're looking for a new look to your blog, go take a peek at her design blog. I cannot recommend her enough.
I've had my blog re-designed a couple times but this time is my favorite.
So many people designing and re-designing has made my blog a bit of a mess, not to mention my own tinkering, but Rose totally fixed it.
To see what else Rose has done, take a look here! Aren't all these blogs lovely? Yes; yes, they are. And she's designed 78 other blogs, so, ya know she's pretty good at designing. Just putting that out there. ;)
Thank you so much Rose! I love it!
P.S. I read something {what that something is you may never know} and remembered that my blog used to be named Slipping Through My Fingers! Oh, Abba. <3

05 April 2014


sad girl
The same dream. Everytime.
Flashes of steel and metal, of passionate pain.
Something worse than all physical pain, seeing his body, twisted on the ground.
Burning tears, each one stinging more than the last.
Wishing I had had more time, to have said all the words I wanted to say.
Realizing that he was gone.
Gone in a flash, in a blink of an eye.
Gone and remembering nobody will grieve him but me.
He left nobody but me.
Yet somehow he's still with me.
Happy weekend!

02 April 2014


Real beauty quote
Beauty is more than physical.
So many bloggers have tackled this subject but I want to put my say in, too.
If someone defines you by your external beauty, they're probably not worth knowing.
Beauty is so much more than a clear face or a hair and eyes combo that goes perfectly together.
{Sure, while it's nice to have a clear face, it's not all}
Real beauty comes from within you. It cannot be hid by makeup, or tight fitting clothes.
It shows by the way you act, the feelings you express and the ones you don't, the qualities you admire, the songs you like to sing.
I just want to say this because there's so much pressure the world puts on young girls {and guys} to be beautiful externally. And maybe there's a point where you start believing you have to be beautiful for a guy.
You don't have to try to change how you look for anybody but yourself.
**I just want to make it clear that I am not dissing girls who want to wear makeup or have a clear face. That is totally fine. But it's just nice to know that you're doing it for yourself, for how you like how you look with makeup on or a clear face.**
Stay lovely, lovelies. ;)