So, you know when you have those empty mini-boxes of cereal, and you might be thinking something along the lines of : '
These would be perfect for my dolls, but I really don't want those little pointy flaps sticking up'.
You might simply tape them down, but then it's all shiny and a little weird. So what should you do? Let's find out:
Gather all of your supplies, an adventure awaits! You'll need:
EMPTY mini-cereal box (s),
ruler (or you can guess)
See these flaps? So look at the pink one. On the very pointy top it's probably about 1 and a half inches.
You want to cut off about a centimeter (or two) on both sides, so it's an inch (or just till it's an inch).
Flip that thingy around! You may not be able to notice, but I highlighted 'Kellogg's' in pink. :)
Take your scissors and poke a small hole to the left or right of the Kellogg's sign. You want to then cut it straight until it's about one inch and 2 centimeters long (so the flap can be stuck in). (You might need help in the poke the scissors in the pointy flap part)
Take your 1 inch flap and insert the narrow part into the cut you just created. You might need to make the cut bigger, though.
This is mine next to a un-opened box of Rice Krispies.
I got so annoyed when I saw that Frosted Flakes are 'of corn'. It was like, ' Oh my goodness! I thought they were made of
And your done! Woot! (I'll explain Rebecca's outfit later, can you tell? She's wearing a Bitty Baby skirt as a top.)
So, all in all it
might have been better/easier to tape it. But this way, it's more realistic.