
03 August 2013


{I promise, not another one of ''those'' posts}

Everybody's posting about a new month and I'm over here, having my own mini Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon. Good times, my friends.

Update on pictures:
Again, I promise pictures will be up soon. Just a few technicals difficulties.

Anywho, I got stuff today, and that just makes me all over happy. Yeahhhhh. I'm pretty sure I've asked you this before, but hey, I've gotten more followers since that, so I'll ask it again....

Is there anything you want me to review?

I have some ideas but I haven't really ''made a move'' towards them yet. You know, books, body products, whatever. {I'm also quite open to post ideas, because lately my posts have all been ''last-minute-,-no-pictures posts. Rather pathetic, really.} ;)

{Last minute edit: oh, yeah, and I'm not vegan anymore. It was never really going to be a permanent thing, so... I'm not sure if I want to stay on my meat and dairy lovin' diet {not like a diet diet.. actually what I eat normally} or do somewhat vegan. Right now I'm leaning towards the somewhat vegan. {Which is, eat mostly vegan but not beat myself up if I eat some dairy/meat/eggs occasionally}.


  1. I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer! What episodes are you marathoning?

    1. Well, when I was really little, my mom watched them in front of me, so I got addicted at a young age. ;) Since then I've forgotten most of the episodes so I'm rewatching them. I finishes Season One, and now I'm probably half-way done with Season Two. :)

  2. It's ok, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a good thing. :)
    Who is your favorite character? I like Willow.

    1. Um... I have a {probably} bad habit of liking the bad guys {Loki!}, so maybe either Spike or Angle {even though he's sorta good now}. Of course, Willow is also fantastic! Whoever played her did a really great job.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Alyson Hannigan played her (cuz I'm a nerd and know that). Sorry about the double post. My iPod was being stupid. And Spike is cool too. What do you think of Drusilla?

    1. I recognized her in ''How I Met Your Mother''. ;) And it's totally okay, heaven knows I've done that more than a few times. Drusilla... I'm feeling kinda foggy, so she's the one that Spike likes when he first makes an entrance in the series? Okay, Drusilla. I think she seems really complex. I've read about a lot of characters like her, and personally I like writing about characters like her. You can really go into depth with them.

  5. Yes. Drusilla *spoiler* was sired by Angel, who drove her a bit off the bend. And, yes, they are fun to write about ;)

    1. ARRGHHHHHHHHHH. ;) But they seem kinda.... flirty with each other. Acca-awkward. ;D


Please be nice and respectful to each other.


p.s. you're looking fab today.