
05 November 2012

Ancient: Guest Post by Polka-dot

Hey everybody! I'm working hard on my ''Snow White'' {which will be featured on here once done} novel, so this post is scheduled. But that's no reason to enjoy it less!

Our guest poster today is Polka-dot. Thanks Polka-dot for guest posting!

Fall is fast approaching, and one of my favorite things to do when it is getting colder is to curl up in a corner a read a book. It is so relaxing and cozy. So, I thought what would be better than reviewing one of my favorite books! I know it by heart (Not literally, but I have read it three times) and it is a really good book.
First let me introduce myself. I am PolkaDot and if you want to check out my blog go to Before I start I will give you 2 random things about myself. 1. I love animals and 2. When I finish school I want to become a nutritionist.

Okay know you now me, onto the book! The book is called Ancient by Kyle T. Kimbrough. The whole book is about Noah. You know the guy who built the ark? Yep, that Noah. It is totally fiction with a few true facts in it. It is, like all books, a book of good and evil. But this time there was a twist. The evil people are called Watchers. And they where good at first. God, Himself, sent them to help and teach the people how to live. There where originally 200. Then 148 Watchers got lured by the world and took an evil oath which took them out from under Gods authority. That means only 52 where still willing to follow God and they all paid dearly. There where only a few that survived.  The evil Watchers wanted the Eden Scroll to lead them to the Garden on Eden  and they could eat of the tree of life. To get there the Watchers would take women from villages to bear children for them, and they would grow up to be giants. This is where the whole story starts. A girl named Lydia gets kidnapped and Noah goes on a journey with some friends to find her. On this Journey Noah meets the love of his life and gains wisdom and fighting skills.

Now I forgot to mention, Ancient is a trilogy. Ancient 1 and 2 are out and ready to read but the third one is still being written. I am waiting and I can’t wait to find out what the end it! If you want to buy the books go to amazon and look up ancient Kyle T. Kimbrough. It should be there. They are a little expensive but totally worth your money!

I love these books and the author is very imaginative and makes you feel like your in this epic book and you’re the one fighting off the giants! It would make the best movie EVER!

Thank you Maddy for having me! I had a lot of fun.

Much love to all you readers,


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