First off, isn't this an adorable tag? Oh, disney. <3
{a warning if you're new here, I usually go straight into my posts, so this is an exception. Don't start expecting anything fancy. ;)}
Bethan tagged me for the Warm Hugs Tag! Thank you so much, I appreciate it like you wouldn't know. ;)
1. Follow the blog(s) that tagged you (optional).
2. Post 2 or more pictures that include your favourite characters, books, movies or lyrics from songs (they can also be your own edits or pictures).
3. Tag 5 or more bloggers and tell them.
4. Answer the 10 questions the blogger that nominated you has written, related to books, characters etc.
5. Create your own answers having to do with the same thing.
Those things, those things up there? They're my thing. Don't mess with 'em. {Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Mortal Instruments, Vampire Academy, and Percy Jackson}
OH MAH GOODNESS, I lurve Princess Bride. I would watch it ONLY when I was sick and camped out on the couch with a ginger ale and a bowl. It's just not right if you don't watch it when you're throwing up every ten minutes. :p
This is from Vampire Academy. Alright, so I've been mentioning VA more and more lately, and I'm going to address it right now: I like it. In fact, I love it. I feel like Twilight has given the vampire genre a bad name, and I promise, VA's not like that. As long as you know vampires aren't real and magic is bad {not going into that magic part, that's a different post entirely} and not to go off swearing like a banshee, you'll be fine reading it, and I'd actually recommend it. There are so many good, yes, parts in this series and they totally overrun any bad ones.
1. Favourite Disney quote?
Disney Princess movies on DVD are practically nonexistent, so I don't have any quotes memorized. Sowwy. ;)
2. Favourite fictional characters?
Rose Hathaway from, you guessed it, VA. Rose makes many brash, irresponsible decisions, but she always realizes them and learns from it. If you're going to make bad actions, learn from them and don't do it again.
I also like Gwen from Ruby Red. First off, she's british, has an amazing gargoyle friend {the deep, ominous part of me loves it}. She's not a big ''oh-my-goodness-i'm-an-inspirational-character'' sort of girl, but Ruby Red is just such a fun, nice read it's okay. I don't read those sort of books for inspiration, so I don't expect it.
3. If you could party with one fictional character, who would you want to party with?
I love Jace from The Mortal Instruments, but I feel like he'd just stare sulkily at everybody from the corner instead of party, so I'd say Simon. He's the perfect nerdy character and we could totally rock a nerdy party together.
4. Favourite Disney princess movie?
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST! I love every single aspect of it, it's just gahhhh. Disney Junior, put Beauty and the Best on, won't you? {that's really the best part of DJ. Sleeping Beauty's on tomorrow at 7? Tape tape tape. }
5. Would you rather spend a day with your favourite fictional character in their world or have an unlimited amount of money to spend on books for the rest of your life? (hehe evil >:) )
Evil is the perfect word for what you just did to me, Bethan. :P ;) You know, when you read a book, if it's well written you're IN the story, and you're spending time with those characters. So I'd rather buy all the books my little heart ever desired.
6. Have you ever been to Disney Land? If you have, how many times?
I've never been to Disney Land, but I've been to Disney World. It's amazing, just thinking about those memories gives me happy little chills. I think I've been four times, either that or three. :)
7. What song describes you the most?
I'm not sure if there's a song that really describes me, but there are lots of songs that tell pieces of my story. For instance, right now I'm loving Words As Weapons by Birdy and Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Ray. I like Words as Weapons because it's just such a good reminder to be confident. It's the story of a person trying to tear you down with their words, and how you don't have to let them do it. Be brave, darlings. It's not that hard if you try.
8. Which character death made you the most sad?
It was such a valiant and beautiful death and, I, Madeline you-cheeky-monkeys-you-can't-see-my-last-name, never cry. Augustus Waters? Yeah, it was sad. I was an emotional wreck, but I didn't cry.
But yet, at the dark of two o'clock in the night, i cried at Mason's death.
9. Which fictional character can you relate to the most?
I'll admit it, i want to say some beautiful strong brave little heroin in the hopes of that's how you'll think of me. But those girls aren't always what I am, only what I'm trying to be. So, right now I say Cress from the Lunar Chronicles. My family is a major tech-computer family, and I'd totally stalk some hot dude on the Internet. I'l admit it. -.-
10. What is your favourite message in a Disney movie and why?
Beauty and The Beast. Again! Belle is just so nonjudgmental and sacrificing. The movie also shows that you can be kind and caring without agreeing to marry some stranger. {okay, that's not really a problem too much in this world, but really just ANYTHING.}
Okay, so I enjoyed each and everyone of Bethan's questions, so I'm stealing all of them and using them. ;) These are all her questions, and guys, click that link at the beginning of the blog post and leave her a comment with a big ole heart in it. Please. ;) <3
1. Favourite Disney quote?
2. Favourite fictional characters?
3. If you could party with one fictional character, who would you want to party with?
4. Favourite Disney princess movie?
5. Would you rather spend a day with your favourite fictional character in their world or have an unlimited amount of money to spend on books for the rest of your life? (hehe evil >:) )
6. Have you ever been to Disney Land? If you have, how many times?
7. What song describes you the most?
8. Which character death made you the most sad?
9. Which fictional character can you relate to the most?
10. What is your favourite message in a Disney movie and why?
Now I award:
and anybody who comments ''OH MY WORD BEAUTY AND THE BEAST''. You don't even have to be first, just make sure to leave me a link so I can check it out. :)
Now, onto this:
It makes me so happy when people award me. I appreciate it so much. I love each and everybody who follows my blog {and each and everybody who doesn't}. Even if you just comment, even if you just read my blog it makes me so, so happy. Now, I'm not going to do awards for a while. Thank you to everybody who has awarded me, I've loved every second of it.
It's just that I'd rather be dreaming up stories to tell you guys than copying and pasting the heck out of a blog post. Once again, thank you. I love you guys.