
09 November 2014

NNWM Week 1 Update

So the girl with the moon's name rides towards the sun city in search of a stolen magic carpet.


Word count: 6464

Word goal: 25,000

Considering this entire week, I'm actually quite pleased with my current word count. I wanted to get an average of one thousand words a day {so I could have days where I was too busy to write anything}. I'm not there, but I'm still doing fine.
So it was the second day, and I was already 1000 words in my story. I can't really explain but just while I was writing I had this acute sense that the story wasn't right for me. Maybe it will be in a different time and place. I made a quick decision and switched to a different story that I had been vaguely outlining in October; {and it feels so right}.

I don't deeply outline my stories before I write them, so I really have only the faintest idea of where I'm going. I like it like that though. XD

Something I realised this week:

This page is legit the best ever. I was really behind on Friday and the word sprints got me up 2500 words in an hour. Plus it's really fun to see other writer's word counts and how they used the writing prompts/dares. 

How are you doing in your novel?

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p.s. you're looking fab today.